Live music in Louisiana

Global Team Contacts

To increase Louisiana’s international presence and awareness, Explore Louisiana works with in-market representatives from various destination marketing companies to support, create, and facilitate marketing, PR, and sales initiatives in the targeted countries of the United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, Australia/New Zealand, France, Spain, India, and Italy.

AUSTRALIA/NEW ZEALAND: Gate 7 | [email protected] 

CANADA: Travel Showcase | [email protected] 

FRANCE: B World Communication | [email protected] 

GERMANY: Wiechmann Tourism Services | [email protected]
Additional German Resources: The Deep South USA 

INDIA: Sartha Global | [email protected] 

ITALY: Interface Tourism Group | [email protected] 

SPAIN: Interface Tourism Group | [email protected] 

UNITED KINGDOM: Travel and Tourism Marketing | [email protected] 
Additional UK Resources: The Deep South USA